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Truth is, you've been on the journey to eating intuitively for a while but recently, you've been feeling ready to step into the version of yourself that...

Finds listening to hunger and fullness cues as natural as breathing because trusting your body so deeply has freed you from the fear of weight gain.

Savors your favorite foods, like a buttery croissant, without feeling the need to earn it or worry about the calories and ingredients.

Walks past the mirror without feeling the urge to check your body, and when you do look, feels a deep sense of acceptance for what you see.

Balances freedom and health effortlessly, making choices that honor your body while still enjoying life fully.

Let's picture what this could look like. . .

You wake up excited for your morning latte and bagel, savoring every bite without a second thought about last night’s meal, the calories in your bagel, or the sugar in your caramel syrup. When you're full, you leave a few bites behind and toss some nuts in your bag for later, just in case you get hungry before lunch. Running late for work, you skip your workout and enjoy a chat with your bestie on the commute. As you settle into your desk for the day, you realize that you accidentally wore your uncomfortable work pants. You make a mental note to donate them and buy a new pair—then move on without a second thought. Food and body image only cross your mind again when you're savoring a delicious lunch in the break room.

Cookie Cutter Approaches Don't Work.

So why do so many programs act like they do? Reviewing food logs, talking about your past, learning the 10 principles of intuitive eating, and doing affirmations in the mirror aren't enough to get you to a place where you have food freedom and body acceptance forever.

That's why we use a proven three-phase framework that has guided over 300 women to the intuitive food freedom they dream of.

Open your brain -> body channel: Hunger and fullness cues will become second nature.

Rewire your food lens: Lack of control and guilt around food will become a thing of the past.

Turn on your balanced intuition: Health and freedom become one as you effortlessly nourish yourself without restriction.

The intuitive freedom framework:

But this is just the start...

We fuse this with personalized coaching, 24/7 support to guide you through any feelings that arise, and a community that truly gets it and is on the journey with you.

You may want to read that last one once more. . . 
Community. That. Gets. It.

I've made the mistake of trying to heal on my own so that you don't have to.



LU is built for your life and ready when you are. We combine 9 months of group discussion and self paced modules with personalized support catered specifically to your needs to get you incredible results:

Live group coaching calls

Intimate and discussion-based calls with live coaching from the LU team that is catered towards the topics you need to hear about.

Each call will have specific activities that we work through to unveil any roadblocks you are experiencing and then provide solutions to these. 90% of members have reported these calls to be their favorite piece of the program, even those that were nervous about a group environment, but if you feel uncomfortable talking in a group you can submit any questions/thoughts beforehand.

Monthly Q&A Calls

The journey to freedom isn't tied to specific topics or timelines, and that's why we've got room for any questions you have, at all times. 

Our Q&A calls are a space for tackling these questions and are completely tailored to you in terms of length and topic. Don't forget that this isn't the only space for questions, you also have 24/7 group & 1-1 messaging available.


You are not alone in this. Not only is there a community group you get access to with the other women, the coaches, and Mallory, there is also the ability to join into community-only calls. There is nothing like the feeling of being understood by those that GET what you are going through.


At any point during the program you can add on goal setting support or 1-1 support with the LU Dietitians. We are here to cater this program to what you need, not the other way around, so if you are feeling called to some personalized goals or a 1-1 deep dive they are always available.


After our 9 months together, you get 60 days free in our freedom from food noise community where you can continue to connect with a other women, ask questions, and receive education. This means you get 11 months of total support in the program!

A look inside. . . 

Each month, you'll unlock new content specifically designed for the nine core modules listed below. Immerse yourself in videos from Mallory, daily journal prompts, exclusive podcast episodes, group challenges, and more. What's even better? These resources constitute only 1/4th of the comprehensive support you'll receive in the program.

Topics covered:
  • Differentiating between diet culture and what nourishes you.
  • Assessing the healthiness of your approach to wellness.
  • Uncovering and defining your ideal relationship with health and well-being.
Topics covered:
  • How to stop labeling foods as good and bad
  • Specific steps to break free of binging
  • Reasons why you could feel out of control around food
Topics covered:
  • What is your set point and how do you achieve it
  • Is your metabolism broken + how to fix it if so
  • Signs you're outside of your set point
Topics covered:
  • A life changing framework for conceptualizing body image while healing
  • How to overcome the fear of weight gain
  • What the "end goal" is with body image
Topics covered: 
  • The step by step process for working through limiting beliefs
  • Evaluating whether your habits function as unhealthy coping mechanisms and providing strategies for positive change
  • The process of building a life that feels worth healing for
Topics covered: 
  • Uncovering who you really are outside of food, movement, and your body
  • Exploring the steps to construct an identity that resonates authentically with your true self
  • Handling relationships when you're in a new place with food and body image
Topics covered: 
  • How to accept your body, even if it changes
  • Body acceptance vs. body positivity and why distinguishing between these two is important
  • How does weight loss relate to body acceptance
Topics covered: 
  • What is intuitive eating and what to do if it hasn't worked
  • Trusting hunger cues, fullness cues, and cravings
  • Unlocking your inner wisdom with food
Topics covered: 
  • Gentle nutrition and how to know if you're ready for it
  • How to maintain a relationship with food, body image, and movement that feels best for you
  • How to continuously evaluate if something is right for you
  • How to evaluate if your relationship with exercise is truly beneficial and, if needed, how to build a beneficial one
  • Dealing with people who still subscribe to diet culture and fatphobia - Training from Vinny Welbsy (@fierce.fatty)
  • How to survive a bad body image day, week, month, year - Training from Vinny Welbsy (@fierce.fatty)
  • Understanding how to keep your gut happy so that you are free of bloating, food intolerances, or GI distress
Your energy should be spent on what 
lights you up,
not what
weighs you down.

I'll never forget the moment that I realized I had kicked Daphne out of my head (highly suggest giving your mental bully a name).

It was just a normal day, with my usual routine, when all of a sudden it hit me - she was silent. There was no, 'You should probably think about what you're going to eat later before you have this,' or 'Hmm, have you checked what your body looks like in the mirror today?' or 'Are you sure that won't bloat you?' After what seemed like an eternity of being berated by these types of thoughts, I almost couldn't believe it. I even gave myself a pep talk, cautioning myself not to get too attached to this feeling because she might return. Yet, here I am, years later, and still living free of Daphne.

I know what you need to break free and my team and I are ready to help you get there.

you're speaking my language

Your Coaches

Caleigh B., RD

At Live Unrestricted we believe in continuous support and multiple perspectives, which is why you get to work with two incredible coaches in the program, along with Mallory. You will find the coaches answering your messages in the community group, helping with goal setting, supporting you in the calls, and more. These coaches are not a replacement for Mallory's support, rather, they are supplementary!

Amy Z., RD

This is for you if . . .

You're passionate about not passing any unhealthy food and body image patterns to your family

You can't imagine looking back on your relationships and realizing you missed out on meaningful connections because of food and body worries

You know your impact on this world matters, and you want as much energy as possible to go toward living your purpose

You're not sure why, but you just know you're not meant to stay where you are now forever, and you can feel that now is the time to change this

This is not for you if. . . 

You are looking for a "quick fix" program that feels better temporarily, but doesn't last long term

You’re not yet ready for intensive support designed to end your battle with food for good

You’re not open to connecting and collaborating with other women on this journey in a safe and supportive space

You are in a space where you need higher level of care for an eating disorder

When you look back on your life, will you remember the size of the clothes you wore, or the memories you made while wearing those clothes?

Time is the one thing we can never get back—how will you choose to spend yours?

We know you're busy, so we've made the next steps simple.


CHat with mallory

This is a risk-free call where we'll delve deeper into your goals and address any questions you may have. The primary objective of this conversation is to determine if LU is a suitable fit for you. You will not be asked to invest in the program on this call!


book your free DISCOVERY call

When you click the link below you'll be taken to a space where you can schedule your free intro call with Mallory. This is such an exciting, fun step so I hope you do a little celebration for the fact that you got to this place! This page also gives you an idea of pricing.



If, when we chat, we both feel it is a good fit you will then get a behind the scenes view of what it would be like to be a client in Live Unrestricted, a full breakdown or pricing and support options, and be given the opportunity to decide if you are ready to move forward.

"I feel like myself again after this program. A self I hadn't seen in years."

It really dug into things I hadn’t even considered and aspects of myself and identity I didn’t realize had been harmed by my ED. I also just learned so much not just about myself but the culture we live in! My life is so much more full and relaxed. At first I was resistant to the program but as time went on and I found so much support and deconstructed so many of my limiting beliefs I can now see full recovery as a very real and near thing for me. I genuinely could not be more grateful for the women and coaching in LU.


Honestly, I can't believe it's all over.

 Its bittersweet, because I know Im in a good space and LU has really helped me get here, and i have the proper tools and knowledge to continue with this momentum forward, to continue to push in all aspects so I can be fully recovered! Thank you so much for everything, honestly, I am super grateful to have found this program and to be part of it and the support and tools offered are/were amazing and all super helpful! I truly believe that I can continue on and work things through. Never felt alone and the slack group and support was amazing, and so insightful to help push through, set new goals, motivate others too! Really really great program, and I really appreciate it! I'm so proud of myself and i never thought I'd be at this space...im just like WOW, and thats thanks for this group! SO thank you!


"I cannot believe that I am no longer trapped by consistent negative body image or fear of weight gain/my body changing."

I truly thought that I would be engaging in negative self-talk, body checking, and using exercise as a negative coping mechanism for the rest of my life. The feeling of freedom that I now have and the trust in my body that I've gained through this program is something I never thought I would have. I'm so proud of myself for doing the work to get here!!


"My life feels so much more free."

I knew for a long time that I probably needed to seek help for eating/exercise issues but until I started doing the program and working through the modules, I didn't realize truly how much food/exercise ruled my life and how much of my day-to-day anxiety really came down to my relationship with food and exercise. I feel extremely empowered about my journey, my body, and my choices. My confidence in myself and trust in my body to do what it needs to do is something that I've never had before and it feels like a weight has been taken off my shoulders.


We never want you to have to wait to start your journey to freedom and acceptance, which is why we customize the start date to what works for you. If you're feeling ready to go after our intake call, we can support you in starting right away!

When does it start?


Yes! First off, you get personalized support at any time you need within Live Unrestricted. This occurs in the community group where you have the ability to ask questions at any time + the live calls. Second, we do have the option with private, 1-1 calls with your Live Unrestricted Dietitian or Mallory. You will see the different options available for you when booking your discovery call!

Is there 1-1 support in the program?

We have done 9 rounds of Live Unrestricted and had almost 200 women go through the program and there has been one time where someone dropped out of the program because they didn't believe it worked. I know it is hard to imagine that something can work when you've tried so many things, but this program isn't other programs. If you engage with the course you WILL get results and they will last, which is exhibited by our client experiences. I have had people from programs I did 3.5 years ago tell me they still see the life changing effects of the work every day.

What if this doesn't work or it doesn't stick long term?

Yes!!! It is incredibly normal to be nervous to apply. A choice like this pushes you out of your comfort zone and into the unknown which is always scary. You have to remember that the only thing that happens in your comfort zone is exactly what you are experiencing right now. Draw back on the best choices in your life and ask yourself, "were those made in my comfort zone?" In order to get the results you dream of you have to you have to make the decisions that you know will get you there... even if you may be nervous.

Is it normal to be nervous?

We work with people that are on their ED journey that are also the right fit for the program. The free intro call is a chance for us to chat more about where you are at in the journey and what you are dealing with to ensure that this is the right fit for you. That being said, this is not a substitute for higher level eating disorder treatment or a doctor to patient relationship. If you have questions about this please feel free to shoot us and email at contact@malloryjpage.com.

Is this course for someone with an eating disorder?

Every single call is recorded and uploaded to a portal for you to view at any time you need. We also cater the call times to your schedule to ensure you can go to as many as possible. For example, we will offer three different call options in a week just to make sure you can join. You can join this group from ANYWHERE in the world! We have had clients from Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and more.

How are the call times decided and what if I have to miss a live session?

This one's for you.

Are you reading through this page thinking, "This all sounds amazing, but I'm not sure if I really need this. What I'm dealing with isn't that bad, and there are probably other people who need this more than me." I get this feeling so intimately, and that's why I've recorded an episode specifically for you.

In this free masterclass you will learn how to go from “Can I trust my cravings?” to “That croissant looks perfect, I’ll enjoy every bite!“—without any guilt or fear of weight gain.

So you can:
✔️Listen to and respond to your hunger and fullness cues so that it feels like second nature rather than pure confusion.
✔️ Enjoy the foods you love without feeling out of control or guilty, making it your new norm, and feel good while doing it.
✔️ Shift from the fear of your body changing to complete trust in yourself, as you’ll understand exactly how to balance intuition with nourishment.

Want to learn the 3 phase framework to eating intuitively?

This is what living unrestricted sounds like.

Check out Seems Like Diet culture!

Click here

Wanting to figure out what support option is the right fit for you? Book a discovery call with Mallory!

Free Discovery Call

Free your mind from food & body image worries so you can focus on what brings you joy.
